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Justice Amy Coney Barrett May Save America — From Itself

Will Justice Barrett save America? Maybe not. But her elevation will mark an important step towards helping America save itself.

America faces no greater problem today than polarization.

I say that as someone who believes that we’re in the midst of a (still relatively low-grade) civil war — and that if the progressives effect the transformation of what Obama began and Biden now promises, we’ll face far greater problems than polarization.

Still, there’s a difference between a country in the midst of a civil war and a country in which an odious regime emerges victorious at the end of that civil war.

While the civil war rages, polarization is indeed the problem.

That’s why the likely elevation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett (to justice) is so heartening.

It’s not simply that she’ll follow the Constitution and the law.

It relates to an old saying among court-watchers that each new justice makes for an entirely new court. The new dynamic that will arrive with Justice Barrett may just reduce the polarization wracking the country.

What’s more, we may feel those effects immediately — before she’s completed her first full month on the court.

Consider what’s unfolding with this upcoming election on Nov. 3.

Numerous states have put new, untested, and in many cases questionable voting procedures in place. Nearly all of them claim to expand ballot access; nearly all reduce ballot security.

Many are prone to easy fraud.

Whether these new procedures are part of a plan to generate a disputed election or not, they make the 2020 election very likely to raise court battles.

Given the stakes, that almost certainly means that the election will head to the Supreme Court.

The single most likely scenario involves procedural challenges to ballots collected, received, or recorded using new and insecure methods.


Bruce Abramson

Bruce Abramson

Bruce Abramson has over thirty years of experience working as a technologist, economist, attorney, and policy analyst. Dr. Abramson holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia and a J.D. from Georgetown. He has contributed to the scholarly literature on computing, business, economics, law, and foreign policy, and written extensively about American politics and policy.