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Vermont Says Non-Citizens Can Vote?

ACEK Director Jay Shepard addresses Fox News on Vermont legislature's override of Governor Phil Scott's veto, allowing non citizens to vote.

ACEK Director Jay Shepard was featured on Fox News discussing the recent Vermont Senate override of Governor Phil Scott’s veto of two separate bills which now allows noncitizens of Montpelier and Winooski to be able to vote in municipal elections.

Shepard told Fox News “It appears that once again the Vermont elected Democrats show a complete disregard to what it means to be a citizen, their vote to override the Governor’s veto disenfranchises those in Vermont who are citizens.”

The move by the Vermont legislature will not only allow these municipalities to tally votes by non-citizens, but also allow non-citizens to run for and be elected to local office.

“There are no safeguards in determining who is now eligible to vote,” Shepard said condemning the move. “This also takes away a major incentive for new Americans to become citizens,” he added.

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Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard

Jay was elected as the National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee for Vermont in both 2012 and 2016. He currently serves as RNC Vice Chair serving on the Executive Committee as well as the Rules Committee. Jay and his wife are owners of Junction Consulting LLC; a marketing and advertising firm specializing in creating, producing and delivering corporate and political media and messaging. He is also a partner in a Behavioral Science Research Firm.