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ACEK Director Challenges Vermont on Foreign Voters

ACEK Director Jay Shepard among plaintiffs to challenge Vermont law allowing non-US citizens to vote in municipal elections.

ACEK is committed to protecting the ideals of individual rights, freedom of will and personal responsibility. We have covered in the past the developing story of Vermont allowing non-us citizens to vote in municipal elections, undermining the rights of US Citizens to have free and fair elections.

On September 27th, ACEK Director Jay Shepard took our values and put them into action by being a plaintiff in both Ferry v. Montpelier and Weston V. Winooski. These lawsuits seek to restore election integrity in the state of Vermont.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said of the lawsuit “We believe that our elections should be decided solely by American citizens. This is a matter of principle and we will fight in all 50 states to ensure this remains the case.”

This lawsuit comes after earlier this year, the Vermont Legislature overrode vetoes by Governor Phil Scott.

Read more in the Vermont Daily Chronicle.

Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard

Jay was elected as the National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee for Vermont in both 2012 and 2016. He currently serves as RNC Vice Chair serving on the Executive Committee as well as the Rules Committee. Jay and his wife are owners of Junction Consulting LLC; a marketing and advertising firm specializing in creating, producing and delivering corporate and political media and messaging. He is also a partner in a Behavioral Science Research Firm.