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Harvard Students Hold Vigil for Hamas Terrorists

Harvard students held a vigil for "victims" of IDF attack that took down Hamas terrorists in Shifa Hospital.

This week, Harvard University descended further into controversy as students organized a vigil for the terrorists eliminated by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), an act that starkly underscores the institution’s alarming shift towards antisemitism. This disturbing trend isn’t new; it follows on the heels of the distribution of an antisemitic cartoon and the reprehensible conduct displayed during former Harvard President Claudine Gay‘s congressional hearing earlier in the year. Once celebrated as a bastion of academic excellence and intellectual diversity, Harvard is now tarnishing its legacy, morphing into a hotbed for antisemitic sentiment under the guise of activism and free speech.

In their coverage of the vigil, The Harvard Crimson conspicuously failed to mention that the IDF’s operation was targeted at Hamas terrorists, inaccurately labeling these militants as “victims.” This portrayal couldn’t be further from the truth. IDF targeted Shifa Hospital in Gaza because Hamas was utilizing the hospital as a military base. This is unequivocally a war crime, a concept alien to Hamas, a group designated as a terrorist organization by numerous countries, including the United States. Their egregious misuse of Shifa Hospital in Gaza, leveraging it as a fortress for their terrorists, hostages, and weaponry, blatantly violates the sanctity of medical establishments. This tactic is far from being an isolated incident; it’s a recurrent strategy by Hamas, transforming places of healing into epicenters of military operations.

Yet, amidst these critical defensive measures by the IDF, some at Harvard University chose to hold a vigil, astonishingly for the “victims” of the IDF operation at Shifa, while utterly failing to acknowledge the malicious presence of Hamas within the hospital. The coverage by the Harvard Crimson of this event is a glaring example of biased journalism, ignoring the essential context of the IDF’s actions.

Even more so, the incident at Harvard is indicative of a broader problem within academia, where antisemitism is often masked as legitimate criticism of Israel. This not only betrays a profound misunderstanding of the complex geopolitical dynamics at play but also contributes to the normalization of antisemitism under the banner of academic freedom and intellectual debate. The failure to distinguish between the actions of a democratic nation defending its citizens and the terrorism perpetrated by groups like Hamas is a failure of moral clarity and intellectual honesty.

As these events unfold, it’s imperative for those who value truth, justice, and the fight against antisemitism to speak out against the biases and distortions that permeate discussions around Israel and Jewish people in academic settings. The complicity of academic institutions in perpetuating these narratives not only undermines the credibility of academia but also poses a direct threat to the safety and well-being of Jewish students and the broader Jewish community.

The vigil held at Harvard for Hamas terrorists, and the subsequent coverage by the Harvard Crimson, should serve as a wake-up call to the dangers of unchecked bias and ideological extremism within our universities. It’s a call to action for individuals and institutions alike to reaffirm their commitment to facts, fairness, and the unequivocal condemnation of terrorism and antisemitism in all its forms.

Robert B. Chernin

Robert B. Chernin

Robert is a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser, and former radio talk show host. He studied political science at McGill University in Montreal and has spent over 25 years deeply involved in civic affairs at all levels. Robert has consulted on a variety of federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition.