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Pentagon Contractor Wants to Feed U.S. Soldiers Lab-Grown Meat

In an effort to act upon progressive climate initiatives, the Pentagon is sacrificing the diet and well-being of our brave soldiers.

In an era where every military decision should focus on strengthening our defense, it appears the Pentagon is veering off course. A Pentagon contractor, BioMADE, who has already pocketed half a billion of taxpayer dollars, now wants to introduce lab-grown meat into our soldiers’ diets, all in the name of reducing carbon footprints at Defense Department outposts. This push is not just a foray into new technology; it’s a leap into the unknown, sacrificing the nutritional well-being of our troops on the altar of environmental activism.

This type of meat, concocted in labs from animal cells mixed with various chemicals, is at the center of heated debates about the practicality and ethics of synthetic food sources. While the advocates trumpet lab-grown meat as a sustainable alternative, critical voices raise alarms about the morality and implications of such science fiction becoming our military’s sustenance.

BioMADE’s initiative, which arrives on the heels of a staggering $450 million infusion from government coffers, is being touted as a solution to meet a progressive climate agenda within the military. According to the company, innovations like lab-grown meat will decrease the DoD’s carbon emissions—a priority strangely high on the military’s agenda nowadays, thanks to a misguided crusade to infuse woke culture into our armed forces.

Critics, and rightly so, argue that our troops should not serve as test subjects for experimental dietary fads. The notion that the men and women who defend our nation might be relegated to consuming protein synthesized in petri dishes, while genuine farms and ranches continue to operate across the country, is frankly insulting. This isn’t just an experimental overreach; it’s an affront to our servicemen and women’s daily sacrifices.

Our Military Deserves the Best, Not Experimental Lab-Grown Meat

Moreover, there’s a stark warning from the academic community on this matter. A report from UC Davis last year pointed out that lab-grown meat could potentially have a worse carbon footprint than traditional beef, especially if the production standards are akin to pharmaceutical levels. This is due to the intensive resources required not just to grow but also to purify these meat cultures. This suggests that the purported environmental benefits of lab-grown meat are, at best, unproven, and at worst, a step backward in our environmental efforts.

The push towards lab-grown meat is another example of the woke’s propensity to prioritize political optics over practical outcomes. Investing in and pushing such technologies under the guise of national security and environmental necessity ignores basic economic and scientific realities. Our military needs reliable, proven resources—not speculative science that could fail to deliver on its promises or, worse, undermine troop readiness and morale.

It’s time to step back from the brink and reevaluate where we are directing our focus and funds in the military. Our national security, and the health of those who secure it, are too crucial to gamble on untested and potentially harmful alternatives. The Pentagon’s duty is to enhance our military’s effectiveness and well-being, not to serve as a testing ground for the latest in ecological experimentation.

Robert B. Chernin

Robert B. Chernin

Robert is a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser, and former radio talk show host. He studied political science at McGill University in Montreal and has spent over 25 years deeply involved in civic affairs at all levels. Robert has consulted on a variety of federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition.