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More Antisemitism in Florida: Jewish Bagel Shop Vandalized

This chilling act of vandalism in Miami reminds us that Antisemitism is not only alive, but thriving, in today's American culture.

In the wake of another disturbing act of Antisemitism, we must confront the harsh realities these actions present, not just to the Jewish community but to all who cherish freedom and tolerance. Recently, in downtown Miami, a bagel and pizza shop known for its cultural significance to the Jewish community was defaced with anti-Israel graffiti. This comes after reports of over 50 bomb threats to Floridian synagogues in just one day.

This vandalism at Holy Bagels & Pizzeria is a chilling reminder of the hatred still harbored in the hearts of Americans. The culprit, 28-year-old Kenneth Guerrero, was apprehended and charged with felony criminal mischief and a hate crime enhancement after spray-painting “Free Palestine Stop Genocide” and desecrating both U.S. and Israeli flags at the establishment.

Such actions cut deeper than the physical damage they inflict; they tear at the fabric of our society. This is not merely a random act of vandalism but a pointed attack against a community and its allies, signaling a dangerous tolerance for Antisemitic sentiments under the guise of political statements. The phrase “Free Palestine” is not an innocuous slogan; it is a vehicle for spreading hatred and division.

This incident is part of a troubling trend of radical actions that do nothing but perpetuate cycles of violence and hatred. It is a stark reminder of the need for rigorous public education on the realities of Israel’s defense against Hamas. By allowing such acts to go unchecked or to be subtly condoned, society risks being complicit in the very genocidal sentiments falsely projected onto Israel by such vandals.

It’s time for a stronger narrative that condemns terrorism in all forms, including that perpetrated by groups like Hamas against innocent Israelis and promotes a balanced understanding of complex international issues.

We must stand firmly against these acts of hate, ensuring justice is served and fostering an environment where educational efforts can replace ignorance with understanding. Only through a commitment to truth and justice can we hope to see a decrease in these hateful acts and move towards a society where debate and disagreement do not devolve into deplorable acts of Antisemitism.

Robert B. Chernin

Robert B. Chernin

Robert is a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser, and former radio talk show host. He studied political science at McGill University in Montreal and has spent over 25 years deeply involved in civic affairs at all levels. Robert has consulted on a variety of federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition.