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CA Schools Are Hiding Students’ Transitions from Parents

California is dismissing parental rights and endangering children by hiding their gender identity from their guardians.

In Southern California, a disturbing revelation has come to light involving the Capistrano Unified School District, where it seems the rights of parents are being side-stepped as schools take unprecedented steps under the guise of supporting students. According to documents unearthed by the Center for American Liberty, the district has been training counselors to assist students in hiding their transgender identity from their own parents. This discovery underscores a troubling trend where educational institutions assume a pseudo-parental role, potentially undermining the foundational family unit.

At the core of this controversy is the so-called Individual Transition Plan, which shockingly allows for changes to a student’s name and gender in school records—without the consent or even knowledge of the parents. This form poses direct questions about whether parents should be informed of their child’s transgender status, setting a dangerous precedent for parental rights. The form’s very existence and the secrecy surrounding it—given it’s not publicly available on the district’s website—smack of a covert agenda that flouts the basic rights of parents to be involved in significant aspects of their children’s lives.

The district’s communications officer, in an attempt to mitigate backlash, claimed that these measures are meant to support students “in accordance with applicable laws and the district’s policies.” However, these explanations fall short when you consider that this approach deliberately excludes parents from critical conversations about their children’s well-being and identity. This is not just about adherence to progressive policies; it’s about a fundamental breach of trust between educational institutions and the families they serve. Furthermore, internal emails reveal that school counselors have even argued with parents about these secretive changes, highlighting a systemic issue within the school’s administration that prioritizes bureaucratic policy over the familial bond.

As this story unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder that vigilance is needed to protect against the encroachments of an education system that may, at times, forget its place. Schools are for teaching, not for replacing the parental guidance every child needs and deserves. It is high time that policies reflect this fundamental truth, ensuring that parents are kept in the loop, especially regarding matters as deeply personal and potentially life-altering as a child’s gender identity. This isn’t just a debate about education or privacy; it’s about ensuring that parental rights are preserved against an ever-encroaching educational bureaucracy.

Robert B. Chernin

Robert B. Chernin

Robert is a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser, and former radio talk show host. He studied political science at McGill University in Montreal and has spent over 25 years deeply involved in civic affairs at all levels. Robert has consulted on a variety of federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition.