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Ohio Bill Set to Protect Children from Harmful Gender Transitions

Ohio's bill HB68 is turning the tide against woke ideology, prohibiting minors from medical transitions and maintaining women's sports.

A recent ruling from a Franklin County judge has put the brakes on the runaway train of gender experimentation on minors in Ohio. On Tuesday, the judge green-lit House Bill 68 (HB68), known as the Saving Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which prohibits the medical transition of minors and keeps transgender-identified males out of women and girls’ sports. It’s about time sanity prevailed in our legislative halls.

The bill, which passed in January after compelling testimony from individuals like Prisha Mosely—who at 25 detailed the devastating effects of her medical transition beginning at 15—was originally set to take effect on April 24, 2024. Mosely’s testimony, a sobering account involving a double mastectomy and the enduring pain from testosterone treatments, underscored a reality too grim to ignore.

However, not everyone could face this reality. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ever eager to champion the erosion of common sense, filed a lawsuit on behalf of two families with transgender-identified children, thus stalling the bill’s implementation. Thanks to the judge’s ruling, HB68 will now see the light of day, despite the ACLU’s predictable scramble to appeal.

The ACLU’s worn-out argument—that the bill would prohibit medical care “widely accepted” to treat gender dysphoria—holds no water. The globally recognized Cass Review from England shed light on the stark truth: there is scant evidence supporting the medical transition of minors, and there is no consensus on the best clinical approach. It turns out, most children who experience gender dysphoria eventually come to identify with their biological sex, making radical medical interventions not just unnecessary, but recklessly premature.

Meanwhile, opposition groups like TransOhio have derided the decision as a “cruel farce,” revealing a troubling disdain for biological reality and parental rights. It’s clear that for some, ideological conformity trumps the well-being of our children.

This decision should serve as a wake-up call: we cannot allow radical ideologies to dictate policies that have life-altering consequences for our young. As this battle unfolds, it is paramount that we remain vigilant and committed to protecting our children from harmful ideologies masquerading as compassion. Ohio has set an example by putting the welfare of its children first, and it’s high time the rest of the nation followed suit.

Robert B. Chernin

Robert B. Chernin

Robert is a longtime entrepreneur, business leader, fundraiser, and former radio talk show host. He studied political science at McGill University in Montreal and has spent over 25 years deeply involved in civic affairs at all levels. Robert has consulted on a variety of federal and statewide campaigns at the gubernatorial, congressional, senatorial, and presidential level. He served in leadership roles in the presidential campaigns of President George W. Bush as well as McCain for President. He led Florida’s Victory 2004’s national Jewish outreach operations as Executive Director. In addition, he served on the President’s Committee of the Republican Jewish Coalition.