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DOJ Threatens Pro-Lifers in Michigan with Jail Time and Fines

The FACE Act is being abused by the DOJ to unjustly target peaceful pro-life demonstrators with years of prison time and fines.

In a striking decision that has resonated deeply across the pro-life community, a Detroit, Michigan jury has recently convicted seven dedicated pro-life activists under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. This 1994 Clinton-era legislation criminalizes actions aimed at obstructing or intimidating individuals seeking an abortion. Notably, these convictions carry severe penalties—up to 11 years in prison and $250,000 in fines, which is an alarming testament to the lengths to which the Department of Justice (DOJ) is willing to go in suppressing peaceful pro-life advocacy.

These activists, including Michigan preacher Calvin Zastrow and his daughter Eva, former Tennessee police officer Chester Gallagher, and several others, were charged not just for their peaceful sit-in at Northland Family Planning Clinic but for the “crime” of expressing their deeply held Christian beliefs through prayer and hymn-singing at the clinic’s doors. Their actions on that day were driven by a profound commitment to defending the lives of the unborn.

The DOJ’s aggressive pursuit of these convictions, adding conspiracy charges and seeking significant jail time for actions rooted in non-violent, faith-based protest, raises serious concerns about the misuse of federal power against ideological opponents. This is especially poignant in a post-Roe v. Wade era, where the legal landscape regarding abortion is fundamentally shifting. The targeting of these activists, who simply aim to offer alternative choices and support to women considering abortion, is a stark misuse of the FACE Act, transforming it from a protective measure into a weapon against pro-life speech.

Moreover, this case underlines a disturbing trend of selective enforcement by the DOJ, which seems increasingly motivated by political bias rather than justice. While violence against pro-life facilities often goes underreported and minimally prosecuted, peaceful pro-life demonstrators face severe legal repercussions.

As we reflect on these developments, it is crucial for those of us who cherish life and liberty to stand unwavering in support of those who peacefully defend the most vulnerable among us—the unborn. The use of federal law to silence and penalize this noble cause is not only an affront to our freedoms but a dire warning of the lengths to which certain powers will go to suppress the pro-life message. It is our duty, guided by faith and fortified by conviction, to continue advocating for a society that respects and protects every human life, from conception to natural death.

Jay Shepard

Jay Shepard

Jay was elected as the National Committeeman to the Republican National Committee for Vermont in both 2012 and 2016. He currently serves as RNC Vice Chair serving on the Executive Committee as well as the Rules Committee. Jay and his wife are owners of Junction Consulting LLC; a marketing and advertising firm specializing in creating, producing and delivering corporate and political media and messaging. He is also a partner in a Behavioral Science Research Firm.